Thursday, January 28, 2010
Begini akibatnya kalo internet jadi kiblat
Ada yang komplen kalo blog gua ga bisa di baca khalayak asing fellas!!
Gua juga ngga bisa ngeles, emang gitu ala kadarnya…
Tapi gua menawarkan solusi yang cukup bisa di banggakan yaitu GOOGLE TRANSLATE! Konon katanya sub situs google ini ajiib betul kawan kawan… kalo ada bahasa aneh macem Korean dan Japanese yang susah bener kita baca, tinggal kopas aja. Beres!
Maka gua coba lah :D
Dan ini adalah cuplikan dari beberapa blog gua setelah dinyatakan murtad oleh google!
"cave days this time begun Rich. Ga wake up and hold a shower also forgot to brush his teeth ... abis aja pull it straight out hahahaha. (who commented dirty cave, smoga kecebur sewer) well that's not the point, today has to do the same ga cave bath what guns. Agenda cave was fairly heavy today, knowing celebrity obsession is a snap, taste mah busy themselves when autism.
Back to the story!
Gua udah yesterday complained of the cave cracked lips cracked. Rich caves need to buy lip gloss lipbalm ato. The last time the cave was bought two taun lipbalm ago, and now the smell of stale've lipbalmnya tai * censor *. So by giving money mamah, the cave went to Dokki district authority SIC children gaulnya online now deh so kaga never plasticity stem-idungnya hahaha ckck children today."
(adegan pertama di One Fine Day : I AM RANDOM)
" Yailah bu, forcing bener .. the guns busload gini clay. Selfish really want to sit still arbitrary.Sitting right kesian. cave turns to Hb. He shook his head've kpala. The mother was tetep forced entry. With 'friendly' Hb thrown into the back. The body of information segede gede aja trus bajay forced entry. Sampe front face of the cave. The cave was silent, ngalangin. Kalo nasip same cave disamain Hb can tepar cave. then with a sudden setrategi, cave smile. Sweet as honey.
The mother's smile grew ngliat crazy cave. On appeal trus shoulder as he passed the cave next to the cave. Cave Kejepit! Among the iron bench ama mother agency is a soft mushy gimana gitu (haha sorry it should be in the sensor), the sensation FAR FROM SATISFACTORY!! The first forced into his stomach, Kejepit cave behind him. People who sit in the back of the cave cave * ngedorong ass who've pointed pointed to his face * and the cave what guns can do.Resigned aja lah. And the mother was also passed safely. Gua ngga Nasip clear.
Guns long after that, replacing the mother's stern, there was an old Kake Kake who stood beside the cave. Hb farther back. The atmosphere was hot sesek make. Nyari breath aja susah.Travel've passed half. Suddenly the cave's bottom ngrasa there grepe cave. Cave SIYOK!! Cave clay ... er the old old Kake grepe grepe pake kelabing ass cave!"
(paragraf 5 di One Fine Day, Part III, adegan dimana gua di zalimi di bus)
CKCKCK begini nih kerjaan paman gugel… bisa salah kiblat yang baca hahaha
Udah ah dua aja yg gua posting.. ngebuka aib sendiri itu ngga baik. Gua juga punya IMAGE YANG KUDU DIJAGA. Itu juga kalo masih ada haha
See ya later fellas!
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siyal lo ai, bikin gua ngakak di kantor.
tp emg ngarep bgd sih bahasanya bs diterjemahin ama gugel.. wakakakakka!!
haha gua juga cuma bisa ketawa pas liat pertama kali dari google translate
di sini GUA >> CAVE
rusak bener haha
ancuuurr .. huahahaha paman gugelnya onceeee .. *lol*
HAHAHAHAHA.. gw baru baca nyet dan ini gawat banget yeeeeeee.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. (lmao) (lmao) (lmao)
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