Friday, March 26, 2010

lemonade teaser

i was sleepy yesterday, but i had trouble sleeping these days. hard days are here you know haha.

and so i got nothing to do. online. grabbed my guitar and sang along some tunes. turned out bad haha.
anyway i post this song cos a friend o mine uploaded a song and its quite good. so i tried to do it also.

wannabe :D

enjoy this no good version of lemonade by Passion and gimme comments later haha. im out

 and if you want to download the song this is the newest version, thx


Anonymous said...

either recordingnya yg bagus, ato suara lo emg beneran bagus.

i say yah ai, u keep posting in utube like this.

who knows u'll be any of those utube artist, justin bieber perhaps? LOL~!!

nice one mate =)

ayman mimo said...

wah makasih mba ul :D

cuma iseng iseng aja, sukur sukur dapet hadiah :D

Raffi said...

Mimo.. Gilaaaa gokil abis tuh lagu...
Sayang pendekkkk... klo 3 menitan beuh.... gue bikin cover dah mo..
Suara lo juga bikin geregetan hahahaha.,, love this one.. keep on posting mo!

Quchie said...

wohoooo... manteeeppp.. suara lu keren..
cuma kurang panjang.. masih pen nikmatin eehh.. malah udahan..