Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I’m home…[repackaged]

Helo helo helo…
Akhirnya gua udah sampe di Indonesia. Bayangin deh fellas, gua udah ampir tiga taun ga balik kemari. Dan Jakarta masih aja semrawut awut awut haha.

akhir akhir ini gua ga ada kerjaan fellas. Akhirnya karena gua gada kerjaan, gua mulai baca baca deh. Dan malem ini gua baca sesuatu yang menarik.
When you are in a leadership position you are 'on your own' to a large degree.
People will rely on you to make decisions on their behalf. People are expecting you to lead to their benefit.
In the main no one will worry what you go through to reach these decisions.

It can definitely be lonely at the top. This applies to all positions of leadershipno matter at what level.
The loneliness factor can appear in other areas. If you find you poor performance leads to negative feedback from your
Superiors and your position can then become even lonelier.
Politicians will feel isolated by the constant attention of the media and being in the spotlight.

Dan akhirnya gua mikir fellas, kenapa banyak orang pengen banget punya posisi. Apapun itu bentuknya. Padahal untuk dapetin posisi itu aja kita udah susah payah makan energi dan hal hal ga jelas lainnya. Blom setelah dapet posisinya, banyak yang harus di lakuin juga.

If you can read my mind now, this is what im thinking :

a view from the top is certainly lonely... what do you think fellas?

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